Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Discovery Centres

“This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” ― Alan W. Watts

We have the opportunity to explore our learning through play in the Kindergarten curriculum.  Through this we are building math skills, literacy skills, scientific skills, and social skills that help us develop and build as young members of our community.

Here are a selection of some of the centres we have been playing (working) at so far in Kindergarten:

Building puzzles helps with spacial awareness and build problem solving strategies  
Working together to create at the construction centre

Drawing and colouring at the easel help develop fine and gross motor skills

We build technology skills at the computer centre with a variety of math and literacy games 
It is a lot of fun to pretend to be a hair dresser and style their hair!

We are architects when we build towers and cities and castles with blocks

We strengthen our fine motor muscles when we practice things like lacing and practice our sewing skills 
"It is fun to be fire rescue.  I like to be a hero." 
We can create all sorts of characters with Mr. Potato Head 

We can pretend lots of different stories in the house centre

It is lots of fun pretending to be families in the kitchen, or chefs in a restaurant 
We are engineers with the train centre

We can tell stories and sing songs to our friends at the puppet centre